Welcome to
Nadder Community Energy
kWh of green energy generated last year
for community projects to date
kWp of solar installations
fully electric cars for community use
Who we are and what we do
We are a not-for-profit community benefit society providing and promoting low-carbon renewable energy solutions in and around
the Nadder Valley in southwest Wiltshire and north Dorset.
To date our main projects have involved installing solar panels on local schools,
farms and other buildings, free of charge.
Any surplus income from electricity generation is either used for development of new projects or spent on local community initiatives to help reduce carbon emissions
or tackle fuel poverty.
Local groups can apply to our Community Benefit Fund for small grants towards green projects. Contact us for more details and an application form.
We also host Tisbury Electric Car Club, providing a lower carbon and flexible way of getting around.

How you can join in
Be a part of our quest to make the Nadder Valley and surroundings even greener and more sustainable.
We'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas or suggestions or would like to get involved in supporting our work in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency in and around the Nadder Valley.
We have a mailing list to send out key updates and progress on our projects. Please email us on admin@nadderce.org.uk if you would like to be added to this list, or simply fill out and submit this Contact Form.
We are also on Facebook at Nadder Community Energy.